It was always my understanding that if I required dental work in the future that I could stop Zometa infusions and then have dental work completed. This is not the case. Zometa has a half life of 10 years! Really!!!! Ten years. It stays in your bones that long. Research has shown that no patient should be on the treatment longer than 2 years. I was on it for 5. If you have 6 or less infusions you are considered to be low risk for necrosis. 6-12 infusions puts you in the moderate risk category. Over 12 infusions you are definitely high risk for necrosis. My jaw shows bone density consistent with high risk for necrosis.
I cannot stress the need to ask questions when making treatment decisions. I cannot stress the need for second opinions. We must also be diligent about researching potential treatments.
I have no doubt that there will one day be a ton of misinformed former Zometa patients filing a class action lawsuit in the future. I can already picture the T.V. Commercial. Were you or someone you love taking the bone strengthener Zometa? Have you at your loved one experienced negative side affects? Blah blah blah. Please call the Law offices Cheatem and Steal. You may be entitled to
On a positive note, I can still have root canals and fillings, cleanings, and routine dental work that does not require exposing bone of the jaw. I will take care of what I have left, fill in the gaps with a partial denture, and hope that I do not develope gum disease. I wonder how long it will take for jaw bone replacement to become common place.
In other news, my knee surgery was successful and after a 5 week recovery I am back at work today. Hawaii was a total blast and I found myself checking into real estate on the big island. We finally got the snowmobiles out last weekend and we tore up the mountains. I have decided that my drug of choice is horse power fueled adrenaline.
Life is good, live it large. Todd