Monday, November 4, 2013

Hunting season psa and other stuff

Tonight I am a bachelor. Normally this time of year Mandy would be a hunters widow and trust me, for much of the next two weeks she will be, but tonight I am alone and it feels weird. Since our wedding, 61/2 years ago we have only spent 1 night apart. We share everything. We are each others best friend. I am worried about her. Tonight she is a chaperone for a sophomore biology field trip to a place called  Rialto beach on the Olympic peninsula. It is November and it is pouring rain and the wind is blowing and she and our daughter are sleeping in a tent. I miss her. I am sure she is fine but I still worry. I wish she would call me.
   I had some really good news this week on the Prostate Cancer front. My P.S.A. has dropped again. It is now 0.70. This is the lowest it has been in 4 years. It seems the Zytiga is working. The Provenge will help the Zytiga and I will keep fighting. I am excited but I am also exhausted so my true feelings may  not show through my words. I hunted hard today. I did not see a single elk. By the time I got home I was chilled to the bone and soaking wet. Elk hunting is so much easier when you have hunting partners but I hunt with my dad and he is 71 and needs a double knee replacement. Needless to say he has a hard time getting out of the truck. Most of my hunting is done alone. It is really nice to have him waiting at the bottom of the hill with a warm truck and a cup of hot coffee. (or a nip of crown royal to warm the bones.) I know this or the next year maybe the year after will be my last to hunt with my dad. I am going to ride this ride as long as it lasts. My dad is an amazing man. I didn't get his height but we look so much alike. He is 6' tall. I am 5'6" I took after my 5'1" mother. lol He and my mom are both wonderful parents and I have always been proud to be their son. Elk season may not be fruitful this year but we will do our best and hope for a little luck. No matter what it is a good time shared with family. I am going to bed now. Life should slow down soon and I will have much more time to write. Goodnight, Todd


  1. Hey Bro - thanks for the update on your Elk hunting trip. Good luck with it, enjoy the surroundings (weather be damned!) and also the fact that your father is in the truck waiting for you, and sharing in your adventures - you are blessed to have that. Be safe.

  2. I know how you feel about your wife. I can't sleep well when mine is traveling, even when I know she is safe with family and people who love her.

    Enjoy every moment you can with your father. My father died 12 years ago and hardly a day goes by that I don't think of him or one of his funny quotes. My friends are use to me saying, "My dad use to say..."

    Great news on the PSA. Here's hoping it stays down.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hey Todd, just stumbled across this blog while googling information on my own horrible situation. Like you I often think “will this be the last time I get to do this" that very feeling came over me while trick-or-treating with my 4 year old last week. The thing that gives me hope is a quote from some Dr. who says ..."even the worst case of prostate cancer is better than any other cancer".

      It seems to me that with the knowledge gained from developing drugs like zytiga and provenge, that newer better drugs are around the next corner, we just gotta get to the next corner. Congrats on your success with zytiga, there are some guy's still on it from the original trials ...Keep fighting... keep enjoying life's simple pleasures
