Monday, June 12, 2023

Attitude adjustment!

    It was brought to my attention  that my blog hasn't been as upbeat lately as it has in the past. It's true. It hasn't. There have been reasons but I am starting to get back to my old self again.
   Thanks to a new way of bonding the prosthetic joint to the bone, on December 30, I had a total joint replacement on my right knee. . The surgery was successful and the doctor wants to do my left knee but I don't think that's going to happen. One thing that was not taken into consideration when I chose to try knee replacement was the muscle atrophy that would take place while I was healing and the difficulty I would have rebuilding muscle mass. My testosterone is undetectable and will be for the rest of my life. It is extremely difficult to rebuild muscle mass without testosterone. I suffer from chronic muscle fatigue and it has really been frustrating as I have been active my entire life.  My knee no longer hurts so I am not complaining but it has had a negative affect on my overall well being and mind set. I cannot do a lot of the things I use to do prior to surgery. I get tired. Simply walking around our property is exhausting. To stay in shape I use to ride my bike a few times a week. Now it sits in the garage. It was also a very long cold winter and I was largely housebound for the duration.The sun has been out for about a month and it has helped a little but it also brought a new problem. My knees are now the largest part of my leg. Wearing shorts looks stupid. At least I have not lost my sense of humor.
   For many years, I haven't been affected much by Prostate Cancer symptoms or treatment side effects. They were mild or I simply got use to them. Side effects were largely ignored. This is harder but I will get through it.  
   We went to Hawaii to see the grand daughters. It was a good week. I miss them. I miss their parents too but honestly it really is about the grand daughters. It seems every time I have major surgery I get to spend a week in Hawaii during recovery. I am such a lucky man. No... lucky is the wrong word. I am blessed beyond what I ever deserved. I am so grateful for my life and my family. 
   I am finding new things to do. I can't really ride my wakeboard any more but we fill the boat with friends and family and sneak out to a secluded cove and spend the day swimming and I tow everyone and teach the kids how to ride the board. It's good but I do miss catching big air.
   We bought an old Harley soft tail  and have been enjoying exploring our home in a new way. Life is still an amazing wonderful ride. I think maybe I am just slowing down a little. As my mom use to say... "act your age not your shoe size." I think it is happening!   

              Enjoy the Ride!

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