Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Elk Hunting

   Elk hunting season has come and gone. I guess I should add it was unsuccessful. How could it be successful when I can’t even walk in the woods without falling down and every time I fall down I worry I’m not going to be able to get back up. I am just starting to realize there are things I can no longer do and honestly I probably shouldn’t try. I wonder if you can get one of those help I’ve fallen and can’t get up buttons that will work in the wilderness.? Yes that was a joke!  I had Oncology dentistry smack dab in the middle of the elk hunting season. What a drag having to come out of the woods to go to Portland! That place has become such a shit hole. There is literally homeless tents and garbage and human feces everywhere. I quit hunting Friday basically. Saturday morning I just packed up and went home. Day before yesterday Monday the 14th  I did have to go to my regular oncology appointment. Oh yeah, back to Portland. Having to go back to Portland was definitely the bad news but the good news is my PSA still remains undetectable and stable so I guess I’m doing great. Right now I’m sitting in the hot tub debating whether or not I’m going to get dressed  And drive back to Portland again. I don’t really want to go to Portland but at least this time there is a good reason for it. After much consideration and soul-searching and wondering if I was going to have buyers remorse, we bought another used Harley Davidson motorcycle. It is ready to be picked up. They are actually going to deliver it to my doorstep on the day before Thanksgiving next week but looking at the forecast it’s not supposed to start raining until Monday and although it is unseasonably cold here it’s supposed to be sunny for the next Three or four days. It will suck to have the bike sitting in the garage and only be able to look at it. If I went and got it today I could probably take it for a ride tomorrow and Friday. Anyway that’s it for now I hope you guys are all staying positive . 

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